Lagrangian and Eulerian description
Continuity equation: Current density:[1] \[ \boldsymbol{j}=\rho \boldsymbol{v}\quad(1) \] where the direction of \(\boldsymbo...
Continuity equation: Current density:[1] \[ \boldsymbol{j}=\rho \boldsymbol{v}\quad(1) \] where the direction of \(\boldsymbo...
This note primarily delves into incompressible flow momentum equation and Surface of water waves and boundary condition and Variational Formulation.
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dyadic product There are several equivalent terms and notations for this product: the dyadic product of two vectors \(\mathb...
levi-civita symbol 2-d In two dimensions, the Levi-Civita symbol is defined by: \[ \varepsilon_{i j}=\left\{\begin{aligned} +...
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