polymorphism -2

using virtual inheritance to solve the diamond problem how many instances of Base class are instantiated for one instance of ...


polymorphism -1

basics of polymorphism e.g. invoking methods using an instance of Base class which belongs to Derived class. demolist11_1 123...


implementing Inheritance - Q&A

Q&A Q : class D2 inherits from class D1, which inherits from class Base. To keep D2 from accessing the public members in ...



private inheritance private is used in the line where the derived class declares its inheritance from a base class. syntax 12...


basics of inheritance - part 2

invoking method of a base class in a derived class Typically, if your specialized implementations in derived class need to re...


basics of inheritance - part 1

C++ syntax of derivation 1234class base{ //...base class members} 1234class Derived: access-specifier Base{...


union & struct & aggregate & constexpr

using aggregate initialization on classes and structs aggregate initialization syntax 1Type objectName = {argument1,...,...


union and struct

sizeof() a char* pointer's size is fixed at 4 bytes (on 32-bit system, and double it on 64-bit) and is independent of the vol...
