The Kelvin Wave Patterns in in High-Froude-Number Capillary Flows - Note I

Solution Explanation show that, under the (zeroth-order) Hankel transform in the radial variable, \[ \mathcal{H}_0\left[\nabl...

fluid mechanics

The Kelvin Wave Patterns in in High-Froude-Number Capillary Flows

This part mainly focus on ship wave with the infinite depth water, also mainly use Fourier transform method.

fluid mechanics

Some special functions

\(\Gamma\) Gamma function - Wikipedia For \(\Re(z)>0\) the \(n\)th derivative of the gamma function is: \[ \frac{d^n}{d ...

fluid mechanics

Lagrangian and Eulerian description

Continuity equation: Current density:[1] \[ \boldsymbol{j}=\rho \boldsymbol{v}\quad(1) \] where the direction of \(\boldsymbo...

fluid mechanics

Lagrangian and Eulerian description

Continuity equation: Current density:[1] \[ \boldsymbol{j}=\rho \boldsymbol{v}\quad(1) \] where the direction of \(\boldsymbo...

fluid mechanics

The Equations for Water Waves

This note primarily delves into incompressible flow momentum equation and Surface of water waves and boundary condition and Variational Formulation.

fluid mechanics

tensor for fluid II

dyadic product There are several equivalent terms and notations for this product: the dyadic product of two vectors \(\mathb...

fluid mechanics

tensor for fluid I

levi-civita symbol 2-d In two dimensions, the Levi-Civita symbol is defined by: \[ \varepsilon_{i j}=\left\{\begin{aligned} +...

fluid mechanics