basics of inheritance - part 1
C++ syntax of derivation 1234class base{ //...base class members} 1234class Derived: access-specifier Base{...
C++ syntax of derivation 1234class base{ //...base class members} 1234class Derived: access-specifier Base{...
using aggregate initialization on classes and structs aggregate initialization syntax 1Type objectName = {argument1,...,...
sizeof() a char* pointer's size is fixed at 4 bytes (on 32-bit system, and double it on 64-bit) and is independent of the vol...
move constructor 123456789class MyString{ // pick implementation from Listing 9.9};MyString Copy(MyString& sour...
the difference of & used in reference and store address A reference & is a alias of variable and must be initialized ...
strlen vs sizeof strlen method is used to find the length of an array whereas sizeof method is used to find the actual size ...
return用来退出当前函数模块。 注意有返回值,即:return (num) 中(num)是某个返回值,则调用函数的时候可以赋值,比如如果返回是int类型可以这样赋值urnum=MyFunction(factor);,如果没有返回值则直接调用该函...
12warning: backslash and newline separated by space int colAndrowArray[3][3]= \ 此类换行错误,删除反斜杠\后面的空格,就不会有waring了。 两种换行方式 添加\...
使用变量和常量 std::cin不要用endl e.g. 下面写法是错误的 1cin >> typeNUmbe >>endl; 以上写法会报错!!! 在C++中,变量名可包含数字和字母,但不能以数字打头。变量名不能包含空格和...
使用 std::cout 显示一行消息,std::endl 命令cout换行,作用就相当于\n ++i vs i++ ++i will increment the value of i, and then return the increment...